The-Hereafter is the cloud based genealogy vault; an unique iPhone and web application for everyone eventually. The application makes it easy to create and visit memorials of family and friends who have passed away. These memorials are the perfect place to store those treasured family stories or old home movies. The memorials are created by taking a picture of a gravestone and using the GPS function of the iPhone. This builds a permanent address based on the name on the gravestone and it’s location, something that will not change. Once a memorial is created you can leave condolences, pictures, memories, videos of anything you can digitize. All contributed content is considered in the public domain, open to all to view and read. This provides future generations a familiar, comforting experience of visiting the memorial’s location in the cemetery. A convenient and safe place to put that old box of Grandma’s pictures you have scanned.
The application does more than preserve your digitized legacy, it empowers you, the user to influence your future generations.
The application is also a “memento mori”, a reminder of our own mortality.